Devotional: A Simple Gratitude Practice

May 7, 2024

Hi, I’m Brittany
I'm a Christian Counselor, Couples Therapist & Christ-Centered Yoga Teacher. 


Gratitude isn’t just something to practice on Thanksgiving, and it certainly isn’t something God asks of us because He wants to hear nice things about Himself.

Gratitude, like the Sabbath, was partly made for our benefit and sanctification (becoming more like Christ). Expressing thanks for the things in our lives, whether in prayer, through journaling or by sharing aloud with a friend, shifts our perspective. It reminds us of God’s sovereignty and the blessings we have in life, even in spite of our shortcomings.

Gratitude isn’t just a suggestion for the Christian way of life. It’s a commandment, an institute of Christianity:

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” -Colossians 3:16-17

What stands out to you in these verses?

Something I’ve noticed over the years is that these verses remind us to do all things with thankfulness. Even hard things like admonishing (confronting someone about their sin). 

I’ll be the first to admit that gratitude doesn’t always come naturally to me. When I’ve walked through struggles, there have been days when I felt like I couldn’t even find one small thing to be grateful for.

But, like any bodily muscle, our spiritual muscles require training and use, too. 

Making gratitude a regular practice and finding joy in the mundane are two essential ways to worship God and improve your mental health. When we’re going through tough times, having a well-trained lens of gratitude in your mind can make even the hardest days a little less hard. 

Let’s practice some gratitude this week. Take a few minutes at the beginning or end of your day and write down 3 things you’re grateful for. 

If you’re not sure where to start, here’s a little inspiration from my gratitude list from this morning:

  • the sound of rain pattering on the trees outside my window
  • a call with a sweet friend
  • my job, even when it’s hard or tiring

Remember, expressing gratitude doesn’t have to be about big things. God doesn’t just want to know the seemingly impressive or life-changing things – He also wants to know about the small things that amaze you and remind you of His presence in your life. Gratitude thanks God for what is His and what He has done, and it also makes us more joyful and appreciative people.

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