How does gut health affect mental health?

August 7, 2024

Hi, I’m Brittany
I'm a Christian Counselor, Couples Therapist & Christ-Centered Yoga Teacher. 


What do gut health and mental health have to do with each other? A lot more than you might think. Nothing in the body happens in isolation, and taking a holistic, full-body approach is essential to healing.

The stomach is often referred to as the body’s “second brain.” Within the walls of your digestive system are over 100 million nerve cells. This second brain is known as the enteric nervous system, or ENS. 

While the ENS isn’t capable of thought, it does communicate with your brain. It communicates about what you’re eating, what you’re digesting, and possibly even about what you’re feeling.

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, “For decades, researchers and doctors thought that anxiety and depression contributed to these [bowel] problems. But our studies and others show that it may also be the other way around.”

So, it isn’t just stress or anxiety that can cause the butterflies in your stomach. Those so-called butterflies actually can be what’s causing the stress. 

Poor gut health can show up in many different ways, affecting physical and mental health:

What most people think:What it can also be:
Bloating (after meals or upon waking)
Constipation and/or Diarrhea
Gas and/or Belching
Food Sensitivities
Stomach Aches
Skin Conditions (acne, eczema, rosacea, hives)
Brain Fog/Headaches
Resistant Weight Loss
Joint Pain
Nutrient Deficiencies 
Mood Issues (anxiety, depression, etc.)
Hormonal Imbalances
Bacteria Overgrowth

So, what can you do to help your health?

Like many solutions or best practices, this is on a person-to-person basis. What helps you improve your overall health might not be the exact regimen that works for your friend. However, there are some things that each of us can do to help our minds and our guts:

  • Counseling: You don’t have to be going through a major life change to go to or benefit from counseling or therapy. Having someone to talk to about the ins-and-outs of life can benefit anyone (and everyone!).
  • Regular Exercise: Sometimes this is the one no one wants to hear, but exercise doesn’t have to be something you hate. Moving your body regularly can be a mixture of workouts you enjoy and ones that challenge you a little extra – anything from walking to weightlifting, swimming to crossfit, yoga to Zumba. Regular exercise helps regulate and is good for your body, your mind, and your gut.
  • A Healthy Diet: And, no – we don’t mean a fad diet. We mean adjusting how you currently eat to include all the nutrients and vitamins you need (and might currently be missing out on). Take a serious look at what you eat in a day. You might even consider working alongside a nutritionist to discover what your body needs.
  • Mindfulness: Practicing mindfulness has a host of benefits, including managing stress and anxiety. If you’re not sure how to practice mindfulness, here are some recommendations.

When you’re experiencing gut issues, or even mental health issues, it can be scary. There’s rarely a quick fix for the things you’re facing. Good health is a long game, and you don’t have to figure everything out at once. Start small now to make changes that last.

Trying to take better care of your health can be daunting. Where do you start? How do you even know what deficiencies you might have? You don’t have to navigate your questions alone. We’re here to help!

Tracy Shue, our board-certified functional medicine nurse specialist, can guide you on your path to better holistic health through functional medicine and holistic nutrition. Set up a free, 15-minute consultation with Tracy today:

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